Selena Gomez and Perfect Soul mates For Her - Part One

Selena Gomez and Perfect Soul mates For Her - Part One

Selena Gomez our girl has been living her best single life and let's be honest, we have been loving it. However our hearts were recently stopped, when it was rumored that Selena Gomez could be dating former one Director "Niall Horan". Although, we later found out that the two were not an item. For now, it got us thinking yes Selena is single and focusing on herself:

Once she is ready, who should she date? That is why we have put together a list of all the guys that would be perfect for Selena. Besides, the "Justin Bieber". If you stand her as much as we do then stick around because I am going to need your thoughts.

As I briefly mentioned earlier, selena has not dated since she returned home from her hospitalization at the end of last year. If you forgot what went down with that remember Selena suffered from an emotional breakdown. Fue to her lupus complications and potentially Justin in his relationship with Haley.

However, since then the girl has been flourishing. She has been spending time with her family and friends. We have heard time and time again that, she is focusing on her mental physical health. Of course she has also been working on her career. Especially her music as far as dating though, Selena has been putting that on the back burner until she truly feels like she is at a place where she can be in a relationship.

Well of course, we understand that. Eventually, there is a time coming when our girl is ready to cannonball back into the dating pool. When the time comes, we have a list of guys that she should look at first. Because although I am a Jelena schipper deep down being that Justin has moved on and is married.

I think it is time for Selena to do the same whatever happens with those two down the line we will worry about it then. Now, though I am goion to need you all to put your matchmaker caps on. Because it is about to go down as we dish on the guys who are better suited for Selena than her famous ex.

Let us make up, first up on our list of eligible bachelors is my celeb crush. Though, it's kind of hard for me to put him on here but it's Noaa Centineo. Centineo is essentially the Netflix heart-throb who we all did not know. We needed in our lives but we are happy, he is in.

He starred in several films now like to all the boys, I have loved before "Sara Burgess is a loser" and his latest one the "perfect date". Although Noah is a little younger than Selena, he is 22 and she is 26. I still think there is major potential for these two to work out

He knows what it's like to be in the industry but he is not all about being seen everywhere he goes. He is not afraid to be funny which I feel like Selena definitely needs. He is close with his mom, oh-ho If that is not enough to convince you, then let me show you this. Several times he has admitted that he is into Selena Gomez.

ladies in the dating game you know that's half the battle right there. First up let's talk about when Noah professed his love for Selena while sitting down to an interview and when he was asked this question, who is your celebrity? Saying this, "I know a lot of celebrity crushes I think Selena Gomez seems like one of the coolest people ever and she's like an activist as well and clearly she loves love version."

Can we take a second to acknowledge how adorable that is, okay thank you. Now, we can move on then shortly after that. Let's talk about when Noah thirsted for Selena on Instagram. This was just a few months back, even though Selena was on an Instagram hiatus, Noah still commented on this throwback post from Nick Stein.

Noah commented, "bah she's gorgeous. If that was not enough, he spoke highly of her again shortly after that Instagram comment. "I respect the woman", -she escorts her-. "oh absolutely this is a real -life crush moment- "though I think it's hard not to crush on that."

Clearly Noah is into Selena and based on how he has talked about her in the past. I think she could be into him to forget the fact he is a little younger. I think it could work moving on.

Let's go to our second potential suitor for Selena Zac Efron. Earlier this year, Zac Efron raised eyebrows when he made a major move on social media following Selena on Instagram. It happened and our Disney nostalgia cards about beat out of our chest much.  Therefore, several people immediately started to ship them. Until we were hit with the headline that those closest to Selena did not like them spending time together.

Thanks to Zack's past struggles with drugs and alcohol. Selena's recent hospitalization and a report from radar online a source said quote a lot of people think their chemistry is a recipe for disaster. Both of them tend to go off the rails, when they were not living a fully focused hyper regimented lifestyle with the team of helpers keeping them on track.

While I understand those closest to Selena and their concerns by all appearances, Zack has overcome his demons. Selena seems to be doing LA herself. Personally after how far they both progressed. I don't think they would be a bad match.

They both have some dark spots in their past. They both went through Disney days and they clearly are both attracted to one another. The potential is, there should Selena decide she wants to give Troy Bolton ago oh my gosh it's in Troy Bolton just the hottie super buff.

Moving on to our next hottie with a body that could be Selena's next guy Shawn Mendes. Can you 
say revenge of the exes revenge. Now while Shawn may be a bit of a wild card. Let me remind you, he was the last man that Halley Bieber formerly known as Hailey Baldwin was linked to before she got back with Justin.

Although, the two never put a title on things. Once hailey officially moved on to the Bieber, Shawn opened up about their relationship to Rolling Stone. He said "I don't even want to put a title on it I think it was more of a zone of limbo".

Shawn went on to say that he understood Hailey's decision to want to see things through with Justin. That he even texted her, "Congrats". When he heard the news he went on to say she is still one of the coolest people ever. She is not just a beautiful person visually but she is one of the most beautiful hearts I have ever met.

I do not think I need to tell you about Justin and Selena's past. The two had one of the most notorious roller coaster relationships in the celeb history. So what better way for these two to get back at their exes than to get together themselves.

Sure Shawn is younger than Selena but he has a sweet soul and if he can say nice things about someone who wronged him like hailey, imagine him as a boyfriend. 
I think he would be the supportive guy that Selena needs. I mean seriously just look at those arms but those things wrapped around you what could go wrong? Before I start daydreaming about Shawn Mendes, taking me up to Canada.

I shall be waiting for your feeling about our beloved star Selena Gomez that to whom she should date or select her life partner better than the above described contestants. Please write down in the below comment box.