Selena Gomez and Perfect Soul mates For Her - Part Three

Selena Gomez and Perfect Soul mates For Her - Part Three

Let us get to our next potential partner for Selena a blast from the past. Samuel crossed these two first Sparks romance rumors back in 2015. When they were holding hands, while out to dinner in New York City. Although, Samuel ran in the same circle as Gigi Hadid. He has considered one of the more normal people Selena has dated:

Yes, he has not quite reached celebrity status but that is a part of why he would be perfect for her. I mean the guy is still pretty accomplished. He did graduate from NYU and at one point was a sales and merchandising executive. He was also in the most talked about Netflix fire festival documentary.

So the guy has a lot going for him. Samuel on Selena's initial relationship was short but it was a thing Samuel even posted. When the two went on vacation together with a group of friends while we never got the firm confirmation.

While these two were together we did get it once they split up several months after the two seemingly split. Samuel took to his Instagram story to tell the words about him and Selena's love, although he pulled the post and deleted it all.

According to the reports that it went a little. something like this, 
"Selena is a real girl with a real heart and real feelings. All you superficial people who are just unhappy with your love lives under and love is real. Although, we have ventured on separate paths at least I know that love exists. I love you Selena, did you hear all that."

Selena is the reason he knows love exists that's pretty heavy and I think something that could happen again. Samuel could be the perfect combo of Celeb and non Celeb that would be the perfect fit for our girl Selena.

Next on our list of suitable suitors for Selena is Logan Lerman. He is also a very age-appropriate at the age of 27. You may recognize him from the film "Percy Jackson" in 2010. Selena admitted during an interview that he was her celebrity crush.

When he was later asked about it you could tell, he was definitely interested, "she is very pretty,

Logan also knows a thing or two about a public relationship as he was dating and at one point engaged to Alexandra Daddario.

The two went their separate ways in 2016. So we do not have to worry about that Logan seems like a low-key celebrity which is pretty on par with how Selena is these days. I think it could be an option for her in the future.

All right that brings us to our final guy that Selena could date besides Justin. It's essentially the one who inspired this whole thing Niall Horan. Now, I know what you guys are thinking. You told us at the very beginning these two are not a thing.

Yes I know. that's what I said but that does not mean they don't have potential. You see once, it was revealed that Selena and Niles night out was not a sign of a relationship.

A source spoke out to CNV (Celebrity Newz n Viewz) that Selena does appreciate what Niall has said about her in the past.

Case in point, his appearance on "Ellen" Demi Moore and Selena Gomez. On top of that, Selena thinks, Niall is great and she loves his music so well. Yes, these two technically are not together right now. There is a silver lining for those of us that ship Niall and Selena.

The source ended the insider info, essentially saying that Selena would not rule out dating Niall someday. It's just the fact she is not ready for him right now. So you are telling me there is a chance. I am telling you I do not think we should count Niall out of the running just yet.

That is it, a complete list of the guys I think Selena Gomez should date instead of her ex. Yes, it pains this Jelena shipper to say that but like I said he has moved on and Selena deserves the same once. Of course, she feels like she is ready until that time we will support single Selena.

Let me know your thoughts down below in the comment box about this list of suitors for Selena and while you are at it let me know if there is someone you think should have been added to the list and (also visit the Selena Gomez boobs size enhanced)

I shall be waiting for your feeling about our beloved star Selena Gomez that to whom she should date or select her life partner better than the above described contestants. Please write down in the below comment box.